Thursday, July 5, 2012

Below is a configuration that was used in VSS migration project. During this Project we had two SUPs installed in each chassis for RPR and SSO redundancy.

Initial SW Hardware and Software configuration:

Hardware Connectivity between two Switches : If two Sups are being used in one chassis you must check the IOS version to support RPR for dual SUP in VSS mode.      

NOTE :- The supervisors must completely match, down to the PFCs. If the Sups are 3C and the line cards are 3CXL, the line cards will operate as 3C.

Step 1.           SW basic IOS configuration , Hostname, Passwords, NTP, Login....
Step 2.          Configure VTP and Spanning Tree
§  udld enable
§  vtp domain campus-test
§  vtp mode SERVER  ( In this mode SW will learn and create VLAN information it will not alter other switch VTP information)
§  spanning-tree mode rapid-pvst or match it with your production switch.
§  no spanning-tree optimize bpdu transmission
§  spanning-tree extend system-id
§  port-channel load-balance src-dst-mixed-ip-port
§  Root of STP should always be VSS, Hard code the value.
·                 Sh catalyst6000 chassis-mac-address
·                 Sh spanning-tree vlan 100
.     Note  the Priority and Mac address to make sure VSS is a root.
Step 3.           Configure Routing Protocol : example for two IGP’s
o   For OSPF
         Router ospf 1 Nsf
o   For EIGRP  ·  
         Router eigrp 1 . nsf

  VSS Switch Configurations

Global Configuration
switch virtual domain 9
switch 1
switch 1 priority 110
switch 2 priority 100
mac-address use-virtual
Dual-active detection pagp trust channel 200 (PC for upstream Switch)

redundancy  (Default SSO Enabled )
auto-sync running-config
mode sso

Switch 1 
switch virtual domain 9
switch 1
switch 1 priority 110
switch 2 priority 100
mac-address use-virtual
Dual-active detection pagp trust channel 200 (PC for upstream Switch)
Check for each upstream switch for 2nd switch

! Set Up the VSL link port-channel IDs must be unique on each chassis to form the VSL
interface port-channel 21
no shut
desc VSL to switch 2
switch virtual link 1
no mls qos trust cos
no mls qos channel-consistency

! The etherchannel mode must be set to on. Best practice for etherchannel is normally  desirable (PAgP) or active (LACP).  But this is not a normal etherchannel. This is a special type of etherchannel and  requires mode on.
Use the 10G ports  on the supervisor.
interface range T5/4 -5
no shutdown
no switchport

interface range T5/4 -5
no shutdown
channel-group 21  mode on

interface range T6/4 -5
no shutdown
no switchport

interface range T6/4 -5
no shutdown
channel-group 21  mode on

! NOTE: After VSS is enabled on both switches, the switches will need to be  converted to virtual switch mode
switch convert mode virtual
! You’ll be asked if it is OK to save the  running config and reboot the switch.  Answer yes and then be patient.  It takes a while for the switch to reboot.
On the Active Switch Only.  This command gets executed only once.
switch accept mode virtual

Verify Dual active SUP  : Sh SW Virtual Dual-act pagp
On Neighbor SW : sh pagp dual-active
To reference the modules on switch 1 or switch 2, the command is now show modules switch 1 or show modules switch 2.
 show run will show the entire running config.
show run switch 1 will show the part of the config that is specific to switch 1.
show run switch 2 will show the part of the config that is specific to switch 2.
! The following commands can be used to verify the status of the VSS. Notice the reference to the switch number – 1 or 2.
show switch virtual
show switch virtual link
show switch virtual role
 The following command is used to synchronize mac-address tables across forwarding  engines on the 2 switches. If a WS-670x-10G line card is present in the VSS system,  mac-syncronization is turned on automatically. Otherwise, it has to be enabled manually.  It certainly doesn’t hurt to always include this command.
mac-address-table synchronize
 The following command sets the redundancy mode to SSO. However, it should be SSO by default.
mode sso
 Do show redundancy to see that it is SSO. If it comes up RPR, ! chances are Sups are 3CXL and the line cards are 3C. ! If that is the case, you’ll need to execute
platform hardware vsl pfc mode pfc3c

Switch 2

switch virtual domain 9
switch 2
switch 1 priority 110
switch 2 priority 100
mac-address use-virtual
Dual-active detection pagp trust channel 200 (PC for upstream Switch)
Check for each upstream switch 2nd switch

! Set Up the VSL link port-channel IDs must be unique on each chassis to form the VSL
interface port-channel 22
no shut
desc VSL to switch 1
switch virtual link 2
no mls qos trust cos
no mls qos channel-consistency

! The etherchannel mode must be set to on. Best practice for etherchannel is normally  desirable (PAgP) or active (LACP).  But this is not a normal etherchannel. This is a special type of etherchannel and  requires mode on.
 Use the 10G ports on the supervisor.

interface range T5/4 -5
no shutdown
no switchport

interface range T5/4 -5
no shutdown
channel-group 22  mode on

interface range T6/4 -5
no shutdown
no switchport

interface range T6/4 -5
no shutdown
channel-group 22  mode on

 NOTE: After VSS is enabled on both ! switches, the switches will need to be  converted to virtual switch mode
switch convert mode virtual
! You’ll be asked if it is OK to save the  running config and reboot the switch.  Answer yes and then be patient.  It takes a while for the switch to reboot.
You now have a single switch with a single configuration file.
! A console connection to switch 1 will show the active switch. A connection to switch 2 will show it to be the standby switch.
! The two switch configs have been merged into 1. The config on switch 1 is maintained while anything (other than VSS) from switch 2 is lost.
! For example, had you given both switches a hostname, the hostname of the merged switch would be that of switch 1.

Interfaces are now referenced by switch/module/port. So T1/1 on switch 1 is now T1/1/1. T1/1 on switch 2 is now T2/1/1.


Upstream Switch Configuration

VSS Switch  configuration:

Note: - Create one port channel for each upstream switch. Do not use the port numbers  used for VSS configuration.  
Example:  Port  G1/1/1 and  G2/1/1 will be use for upstream switch. ( make sure to match the speed and duplex setting of the ports connected to upstream ports)
Layer 2 Port-Channel
interface port-channel 100
Switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
Switchport mode trunk
no shut

interface range GigabitEthernet 1/1/1,  GigabitEthernet 2/1/1
channel-group 100  mode on
no shut

Layer 3 Port-Channel
interface port-channel 100
no switchport  
ip address 
no shut

interface range GigabitEthernet 1/1/1,  GigabitEthernet 2/1/1
no switchport  
channel-group 100  mode desirable  
no shut

Upstream Switch Configuration

Layer 2 Port-Channel
interface port-channel 100
Switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
Switchport mode trunk
no shut

interface range GigabitEthernet 1/1/1,  GigabitEthernet 2/1/1
channel-group 100  mode on
no shut

Layer 3 Port-Channel
interface port-channel 10
no switchport  ip address
no shut
!Note: The etherchannel on the upstream switch is not a MEC. ! The MEC resides on the VSS pair.
interface range TenGigabitEthernet 5/4 -5
no switchport  channel-group 10 mode desirable  no shut
From here you’ll want to confirm the etherchannel is up and you can ping across it.
show etherchannel summary

Example Configuration: Connecting VSS Switch to two CORE Cisco 6509 Catalyst Switches.

Port  Channel Configuration

·         Catalyst 6509-E VSS switch
o   Trunk Port Configuration
§  Trunk port configuration to

      interface Port-channel13
switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
switchport mode trunk

interface G1/2/1 , G2/2/1
 switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
 switchport mode trunk
 channel-group 13 mode desirable

§  Trunk port configuration to

interface Port-channel12
switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
switchport mode trunk

interface G1/2/2 , G2/2/2
 switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
 switchport mode trunk
 channel-group 12 mode desirable
·         Catalyst 6509 Switch
o   RCK-6509-3 Trunk Port Configuration
§  Trunk port configuration to 6509-VSL9

interface Port-channel13
switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
switchport mode trunk

interface G2/1 , G3/1
 switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
 switchport mode trunk
 channel-group 13 mode desirable

o   RCK-6509-3  Trunk Port Configuration
o   Trunk port configuration to RCK-6509-VSL9

interface Port-channel12
switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
switchport mode trunk

interface G2/1 , G3/1
 switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
 switchport mode trunk
 channel-group 12 mode desirable